Sell Real Estate for FREE

Sell Your Home for FREE!

621 E O'Fallon Dr., Caseyville, IL

Sale Type
For Sale
Sale Price
Open House Date/Time
Sunday, March 30, 2025
@ 10:00 am
- 11:00 am

Looking for that Fixer Upper Sitting on 2.62 ACRES! HERE IT IS! FABULOUS LOCATION - Good Bones - Full Dry Basement - Newer Plumbing - Newer Drywall - Straight Roof - Nice Large Front Porch - Original Pine Wood Floors - Period Trim - Newer Hot Water Tank -
A lot of work has already been done! Don't want to miss out on this AUCTION - Seller is moving out!
SUNDAY MARCH 30th 11am ON SITE AUCTION SALE Door opens at 10am to view the home and LAND! High Bidder will only need $6000.00 DOWN DAY OF SALE! Balance in 30 Days at Title Company.

Disclaimer: Information contained herein is believed to be correct to the best of auctioneer/agent’s knowledge but is subject to inspection and verification by all parties relying on it. Sellers, their representatives and auctioneer/agent shall not be liable for inaccuracies, errors, or omissions.